Publications and Other Work

Research Funding:

Dr. Ho’s research has been generously funded by several local, provincial, and international agencies including the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2017, 2018, 2019) and the Taiwan Ministry of Education Short Term Research Award (2019). Her research focuses primarily on the diagnostic and assessment process of ASD both in Canada and internationally as well as the mental health effects of COVID-19.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Bressington, D., Cheung, T., Lam, Simon, Suen, L., Fong, T., Ho, H.S., & Xiang, YT. (2020). Association between depression, health beliefs and face mask use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychiatry. Advance online publication.

Koudys, J., Perry, A., & Ho, H.S. (2020). Brief Report: Mental health status of youth diagnosed with ASD who received early intensive behavioral intervention as young children. Child & Family Behaviour Therapy. Advance online publication.

Ho, H.S., Perry, A., & Koudys, J. (2020). A systematic review of behaviour analytic interventions for young children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. Advance online publication.

Perry, A., Koudys, J., Prichard, A., & Ho, H. (2019). Follow-up study of youth who received EIBI as young children. Behavior Modification, 43, 181-201.

Ho, H.S., Fergus, K., & Perry, A. (2018). Looking back and moving forward: The experiences of Canadian parents raising an adolescent with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 52, 12-22.

Ho, H.S., Yi, H., Griffiths, S., Chan, D.F., & Murray, S. (2014). Do It Yourself’ in the parent-professional partnership for the assessment and diagnosis of children with autism spectrum conditions in Hong Kong: A qualitative study. Autism, 18, 832-844.

Ho, H.S. (2012). Use of face masks in a primary care outpatient setting in Hong Kong: Knowledge, attitudes and practices. Public Health, 126, 1001-6.

Oral Presentation & Workshops

Perry, A., Koudys, A., & Ho, H.S. (2016, April). Follow-up study of youth who received IBI as young children. Talk presented at ABA JAM XI, Toronto, Canada.

Ho, H.S., and Yi, H. (2014, January). Progress of Worldwide Universities Network Autism Spectrum Conditions Scoping Survey. Workshop presented at Autism: Global Challenges and Local Needs, Hong Kong.

Ho, H.S. (2011, October). Use of face masks in a primary care outpatient setting in Hong Kong: Knowledge, attitudes and practices. Talk presented at the International Conference on Global Health and Public Health Education, Hong Kong.

Book Chapter

Choi, B., Ho, H., & Shaikh, K. (2016). Individual meetings. In J. M. Bebko, K. Wincentak, & O. Weiss (Eds.), A mentoring program for students with ASD. Toronto, Ontario: York University

Speaking Engagements

“Introduction to Applied Behaviour Analysis and Autism Spectrum Disorders,” Invited Speaker, National Taiwan Normal University, 24 May 2019.

“Recommendations for Autism Spectrum Disorder,” Invited speaker presentation in the series “What happens after you sign that report?: A seminar on the practical ramifications of psychological reports”, York University, 27 March 2019.